6DoF (Six Degrees of Freedom) – Tracking of your head movement as well as your physical location in X, Y and Z directions in a virtual environment.
AR – Augmented Reality is the integration of virtual objects and digital information with the user’s existing environment in real time.
ARCore – Googles software development platform for developing AR apps for Android.
ARKit – Apples software development platform for developing AR apps for iOS.
HMD – Head Mounted Display. Something that you wear on your head that displays information directly in front of your eyes.
Hololense – Microsofts AR-glasses. Recently upgraded to version 2.
HTC Vive – A series of Tethered, desktop GPU accelerated VR glasses from HTC.
Immersive – an digitally generated environment that is convincing enough for the user to suspend disbelief and fully engage with the created environment.
Inside-Out Tracking – In inside-out positional tracking, the camera or sensors are located on the device being tracked (e.g. HMD) while in outside-out the sensors are placed in a stationary location.
Motion Sickness – For some, exposure to rotational motions in a virtual environment can cause significant increases in nausea and other symptoms of motion sickness.
MR – Mixed reality is an extension of AR but not just overlays but anchors virtual objects to the real world and allows the user to interact with the virtual objects.
Oculus Rift – Tethered, desktop GPU accelerated VR glasses from Facebook owned Oculus.
UNREAL ENGINE – A game engine.
VR – Virtual Reality is an entirely digitally generated environment that the user can navigate and interact with.
Wearables – technology that you wear as opposed to for instance to hold or have standing beside you. Wearable XR-tech is usually AR/VR/SMART-glasses.
XR – Extended Reality is a hypernym for all technologies that extends or replaces the un-altered human perception of reality