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PBC Library

The NAU library website for the Phoenix Biomedical Campus Library

Search Tools

 Health Science Databases 

In addition to PubMed and Acland's, NAU students, faculty, and staff at PBC also have access to all library databases at NAU:


A banner image of pubmed and it's different sites

​PubMed is a massively comprehensive medical database maintained by the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health. It covers the entire spectrum of health science subjects as well as healthcare policy, community health, and administration. 

It's recommended that scholars and practitioners make use of the complete PubMed platform, which can be accessed at either of the two URLs:


Acland's Video Atlas Logo

Acland's Atlas of Human Anatomy presents dissections of unembalmed human bodies, allowing access to specific content through indexes and keyword searches. The specimens rotate relative to the camera, giving a three-dimensional view. 

Students and employees at PBC have full access to Acland's.


Books at PBC Library

As an integrated facility serving two universities, PBC Library houses physical collections purchased by both Northern Arizona University (NAU) and University of Arizona (UA) to support PBC programs.  Students in any PBC program may check out any of our 1,000 items.

Our physical collections are displayed together in UA's online catalog at

Our electronic collections (e-books) are displayed in separate catalogs:

eBook Databases: 

About PBC Library's Anatomical Models:

PBC Library hosts an extensive collection of advanced, anatomical models available for student and faculty use. 

Follow this link for a list of models and a model request form*

If you'd like to checkout one of the models, please keep in mind:

  • Models are only available during staffed hours for in-library use only
  • Please inform front-desk staff if you'd like to remove a model from the shelf
    • Staff can also help you access the models stored off-shelf
  • All models must be checked out at the front desk before use

*UofA models guide by Kelley Howard. For questions, please contact catherine lockmiller.

Acland's Video Atlas Logo

Acland's Atlas of Human Anatomy presents dissections of unembalmed human bodies, allowing access to specific content through indexes and keyword searches. The specimens rotate relative to the camera, giving a three-dimensional view.

Finding Visual Media at NAU:

NAU hosts a number of streaming media sites as well as image collections. Other than MEDLINE Plus, all video streaming sites require login with NAU credentials. 

In addition to searching each database individually, NAU affiliates can also locate streaming movies (and music) from the search box on the NAU Libraries' homepage:

Video Streaming:

Image Collections: