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Add citations

 Add citations manually 

You can add citations manually by:

  • Navigating to and selecting My Library; once there, select the green plus sign a picture of the new item button in Zotero
    • NOTE: to get into your library, you may have to select Login in the top right corner of the screen
  • Opening the Zotero desktop software, and clicking the green plus sign a picture of the new item button in Zotero 

In both My Library and the desktop software, items are added manually by filling the boxes corresponding with the information in your citation. 

  • Likely, you will use Journal Article and Book more than anything else.
  • When selecting Journal Article, you will see the list of boxes that need filling in order to complete the citation.
  • After filling the boxes, Zotero will generate a new citation! (if you're using MyLibrary, don't forget to click Save!)

For more help adding items to your Zotero library, see this webpage:

 Add citations using the Identifier 

The Identifier is a tool in the Zotero desktop software that locates and auto-generates citations based on ISBN, DOI, PMID, and arXiv ID.

To use The Identifier, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Select The Identifier button in Zotero. It looks like a magic wand: A picture of The Identifier tool in Zotero
  2. If you have a journal article, you will likely enter the DOI. That's the URL listed on many articles you can find online.
    1. The DOI typically begins with 10.1016/
    2. It is typically located somewhere on the page that describes the article;
  3. Copy the DOI, then paste it into The Identifier box; press enter;
  4. If valid, Zotero should automatically find and create a citation;
    1. NOTE: there is rarely a perfect citation. ALWAYS double check citations to make sure they are accurate.

For more help adding items to your Zotero library, see this webpage:

A picture of a DOI on an article

 Add citations using the Zotero Connector 

The simplest way to collect citations in Zotero involves using the Zotero Connector. See below to learn how this works:

  1. Ensure that the Zotero Connector is properly installed in your web browser (see Create an account for help);
  2. Find and locate a citation you would like to keep;
  3. Press the Save to Zotero button in the top right corner of Chrome (this is different in other web browsers)
    1. NOTE: the Save to Zotero button looks like a piece of loose leaf paper:A picture of the Save to Zotero button
  4. Zotero will then save the citation in both your desktop and online library.

For more help adding items to your Zotero library, see this webpage:

A picture of the zotero connector button in Chrome