By default, Zotero is loaded with major citation styles, including APA, MLA, and Chicago / Turabian styles. However, Zotero has access to ~9000 different styles, available through the Zotero Style Repository: Students, faculty, and researchers who need access to a style not initially available in Zotero will need to find and download their preferred output style from the repository. For help finding and installing style packets, see this guide from Zotero:
NOTE: Zotero does not come loaded with AMA format by default. However, AMA format is available through the Zotero Style Repository.
The following Zotero applications can be used to generate bibliographies:
For help creating bibliographies in Zotero products, see this page:
Follow these steps to create bibliographies using Zotero Desktop:
Follow these steps to create bibliographies using
For more help creating and organizing bibliographies in Zotero, see this page:
Follow these steps to create in-text citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word:
For more help with the Zotero for Word plugin, see this page:
NOTE: Zotero for Google Docs is still experimental, and only recommended for advanced users.
To learn how to use Zotero for Google Docs, see this page: