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Bibliographies in Zotero

 Background info 

Citation styles

By default, Zotero is loaded with major citation styles, including APA, MLA, and Chicago / Turabian styles. However, Zotero has access to ~9000 different styles, available through the Zotero Style Repository:​. Students, faculty, and researchers who need access to a style not initially available in Zotero will need to find and download their preferred output style from the repository. For help finding and installing style packets, see this guide from Zotero:

NOTE: Zotero does not come loaded with AMA format by default. However, AMA format is available through the Zotero Style Repository.

Generating a bibliography

The following Zotero applications can be used to generate bibliographies:

  • Zotero Desktop: this is one of the simplest tools to use when creating a bibliography.
  • uses the same rules as Zotero Desktop. Useful when generating a bibliography when not at your personal computer.
  • Zotero Word and Google Docs plugins: generates in-text citations and bibliographies as you work. This is the most efficient option.

For help creating bibliographies in Zotero products, see this page:​

 Zotero Desktop and 

Zotero Desktop

Follow these steps to create bibliographies using Zotero Desktop:

  1. From inside Zotero Desktop, navigate to your preferred library/group and collection;
  2. Select any items you'd like to list in your bibliography;
  3. Right click on the highlighted items, and select: Create Bibliography from Items;
  4. Select your preferred citation style; 
  5. Ensure that Bibliography and Copy to Clipboard are both selected, then press OK;
  6. Navigate to your Word Document or Google Doc;
  7. Right click and paste (likely, you want to keep source formatting).

A gif showing how to create bibliographies with zotero

Follow these steps to create bibliographies using

  1. Login to your account, and navigate to your preferred library/group and collection:
  2. Select any items you'd like to list in your bibliography;
  3. Select the Cite button The Cite icon in Zoteroat the right hand side of the screen;
  4. Select your preferred citation style;
  5. Highlight the list of citations, copy, and paste them into your Word Document or Google Doc.

For more help creating and organizing bibliographies in Zotero, see this page:

A gif showing how to create bibliographies on zotero dot org

 Microsoft Word and Google Docs 

Microsoft Word

Follow these steps to create in-text citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word:

  1. Open the document where you would like to create in-text citations and / or a bibliography;
  2. Ensure that the Zotero option is available in the blue ribbon along the top of the screen;
    1. NOTE: As long as you are on a computer with Zotero Desktop, the Zotero option should be visible;
  3. Select the Zotero option, then select Add/Edit Citation;
  4. Choose your preferred citation style, and select OK;
    1. NOTE: sometimes, Zotero will not open the dialog box; restart both Word and Zotero Desktop if this occurs;
  5. In the red box that appears, type the name of the author or title of the item, and Zotero will automatically search for it;
    1. If you are selecting multiple citations, select the first citation, then repeat this step to insert another;
  6. Once one or more citation are embedded in your document, select Add/Edit Bibliography;
  7. Doing so will generate a complete bibliography at the end of your document.

For more help with the Zotero for Word plugin, see this page:​

A gif showing how to create bibliographies using the zotero word plugin

Google Docs

NOTE: Zotero for Google Docs is still experimental, and only recommended for advanced users.

  • If you haven't used it before, you may need to authenticate your account. See Create an account for help;
  • Zotero for Google Docs will only show up if you have the Zotero for Chrome extension installed in Google Chrome

To learn how to use Zotero for Google Docs, see this page:​