Before you begin to search, you need to prepare your strategy.
Step 1: Identify your topic.
Step 2: Consider the important parts of your topics as these will become your concepts and possible keywords.
Step 3: Define your terms or keywords.
Step 4: Decide where you are going to search. Are you just limiting yourself to Google or allowing ChatGPT or another AI tool to do your work for you? That is a really bad way to do research and a good way to set yourself up for failure. Your professor will instruct you on the appropriate use of AI in your assignments.
Step 5: Plan to do your search in multiple places like the library catalog, several databases, and perhaps Google Scholar.
Below are suggested guides which have great tools to help you plan your strategy aside from this guide.
Portland State University, Social Work, Search Strategies
Rutgers University Libraries, Social Work, Search Strategies & Tips
Aurora University, Social Work Policy Research Search Strategies
A really great article a friend of mine, who teaches Social Work, sent me when I was really having troubles. It is from Social Work Today and is entitled Moral Distress in Social Work Practice — When Workplace and Conscience Collide