Why should you properly cite your research?
Here is a great article which explains citation in a rather unique way. How to cite like a badass tech feminist scholar of color: A citation zine by Rigoberto Lara Guzmán and Sareeta Amrute.
The links below go directly to the APA Style Grammar & Guidelines Blog which is a fabulous resource. You may also prefer to use the Purdue University Library On-Campus Writing Lab (OWL) for Legal Citations.
To cite a bill, OWL suggests the following:
Title [if relevant], H.R. or S. bill/resolution number, ### Cong. (Year). URL
HR and S here represent House of Representatives and Senate, and should be used according to the source of the bill or resolution.
Periodicals, Books & Reference Works
The links below will provide you examples of all you need to formulate your own APA citations. I've provide some examples to the more common questions I've received.
Periodicals: something that is published more than once.
Journal article: usually a scholarly work such as the Journal of Social Work (citation example below - note the indentation is incorrect for APA, the first line should NOT be indented).
Spratt, T., Frederick, J., & Devaney, J. (2022). New understandings in childhood research and their implications for child and family services. Journal of Social Work, 22(5), 1137–1152. https://doi-org.libproxy.nau.edu/10.1177/14680173221077369
Magazine article such as Social Work News
MacDonald, M. (2022, October 16). I can still be a good social worker even if I don't have children of my own. Social Work News. https://www.mysocialworknews.com/article/i-can-still-be-a-good-social-worker-even-if-i-don-t-have-children-of-my-own
Lerner, J., & Pollack, H. (2022, February 23). Social workers are the unsung heroes of the pandemic. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2022/02/23/social-workers-burnout-pandemic-unappreciated/
Swanson, L. (n.d.) Why vision boards are a powerful mental health treatment tool. The Social Work Bubble. https://thesocialworkbubble.com/archives/1460
Books & Reference Works
Gilbert, E. (2006).Eat, pray, love : one woman’s search for everything across Italy, India and Indonesia. Viking.
Zakaria, N., & Esser, V. P. (2016).Clothing for children and teenagers : anthropometry, sizing and fit. Woodhead Publishing https://arizona-nau.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01NAU_INST/1tbnpba/alma991009183625203842
Diagnostic manual (DSM, ICD, etc.)
Raines. E. (Ed.) (2019). Evidence-based practice in school mental health: Addressing DSM-5 disorders in schools. https://www-sciencedirect-com.libproxy.nau.edu/book/9780081002261/clothing-for-children-and-teenagers
Children’s book or other illustrated book
Edited Book Chapters & Entries in Reference Works
Reports & Grey Literature
Conference Presentations & Proceedings
Dissertations & Theses
Unpublished & Informally Published Works
Archival Materials
Online Sources, Data and Audiovisual Media
Data Sets
Webpages & Websites
Audiovisual Media