This is a guide to research, resources, theory, and practice in nursing informatics and healthy policy domains. It is designed to help students in NURS 424 as they develop wikis on current and emerging trends in informatics.
The following physical books and ebooks are available for checkout through NAU:
Driving Quality in Informatics: Fulfilling the Promise by K. L. Courtney (Editor); A. Kuo (Editor); O. Shabestari (Editor)Although the data in healthcare comes from and relates to patients, it has generally been the clinician and not the patient who has been seen as the end-user of health information or health information technology. This seems set to change though, as the evolution of new online tools and mobile applications has led to the growth of a grass-roots effort from patients to change their role and involvement in their own health management.This book presents papers from the Information Technology and Communications in Health conference, ITCH 2015, held in Victoria, Canada, in February 2015. The theme of this conference is patient-centered care, and not only were contributors asked to consider the role and voice of the patient, but patients themselves were invited to contribute papers describing their experiences in healthcare and their use of their own data. The papers included here reflect not only informatics innovations in the field, but also explore how to involve patients in the design process, implementation and long-term use of health information systems, and will be of interest to researchers, health practitioners and patients alike.
Publication Date: 2015-02-12
Enabling Health Informatics Applications by J. Mantas (Editor); A. Hasman (Editor); M. S. Househ (Editor)Informatics and technology have long been indispensable to the provision of healthcare and their importance continues to grow in this field.This book presents the 65 full papers presented at the 13th annual International Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare (ICIMTH 2015), held in Athens, Greece, in July 2015. The conference attracts scientists and practitioners from all continents and treats the field of biomedical informatics in a very broad framework, examining the research and applications outcomes of informatics from cell to population, and covering a number of technologies such as imaging, sensors and biomedical equipment as well as management and organizational subjects such as legal and social issues. The conference also aims to set research priorities in health informatics.This overview of current research and development will be of interest to all those whose work involves the use of biomedical informatics in the planning, provision and management of healthcare.
Publication Date: 2015-07-24
Healthcare Systems Engineering by Paul M. Griffin; Harriet Black Nembhard; Christopher DeflitchApply engineering and design principles to revitalize the healthcare delivery system Healthcare Systems Engineering is the first engineering book to cover this emerging field, offering comprehensive coverage of the healthcare system, healthcare delivery, and healthcare systems modeling. Written by leading industrial engineering authorities and a medical doctor specializing in healthcare delivery systems, this book provides a well-rounded resource for readers of a variety of backgrounds. Examples, case studies, and thoughtful learning activities are used to thoroughly explain the concepts presented, including healthcare systems, delivery, quantification, and design. You'll learn how to approach the healthcare industry as a complex system, and apply relevant design and engineering principles and processes to advance improvements. Written with an eye toward practicality, this book is designed to maximize your understanding and help you quickly apply toward solutions for a variety of healthcare challenges. Healthcare systems engineering is a new and complex interdisciplinary field that has emerged to address the myriad challenges facing the healthcare industry in the wake of reform. This book functions as both an introduction and a reference, giving you the knowledge you need to move toward better healthcare delivery. Understand the healthcare delivery context Use appropriate statistical and quantitative models Improve existing systems and design new ones Apply systems engineering to a variety of healthcare contexts Healthcare systems engineering overlaps with industrial engineering, operations research, and management science, uniting the principles and practices of these fields together in pursuit of optimal healthcare operations. Although collaboration is focused on practitioners, professionals in information technology, policy and administration, public health, and law all play crucial roles in revamping health care systems. Healthcare Systems Engineering is a complete and authoritative reference for stakeholders in any field.
Publication Date: 2016-02-25
Health Informatics by BCS The Chartered Institute for IT (Editor)Health informatics (HI) and technology play a major role in health care including empowering patients, shortening waiting lists and improving treatment efficiency. This ebook contains a range of material by HI experts on the latest developments. It includes articles on robotic surgery, on how technology can support people in their own homes, and on how electronic systems can help reduce risk of medical error. Readers do not require a detailed understanding of health care or health informatics.
Publication Date: 2012-06-29
International Perspectives in Health Informatics by J. A. Bartle-Clar (Editor); E. M. Borycki (Editor); M. S. Househ (Editor)Health information systems are now widely used around the world to raise the quality of healthcare, reduce medical error rates and improve access to health information and services, and health informatics is now recognized as a separate and unique area of disciplinary study and professional practice. This book presents the proceedings of the 2011 Information Technology and Communications in Health (ITCH) conference, in Victoria, BC, Canada in February 2011. Health informatics issues are not unique to one country or one organization and with its theme of International Perspectives, this conference provides a unique opportunity to share the lessons learned by both developed and developing countries. Effective use of scarce healthcare resources, ensuring the long-term sustainability of healthcare systems and moving the science of health informatics forward are discussed, and the conference also addresses key issues at the intersection of technology and healthcare such as; privacy, ethics, patient safety, efficiency and effectiveness, which are common to healthcare providers worldwide.The improvement of healthcare systems which employ health informatics technology is dependent upon such international exchanges and solution-sharing, and this book will be of interest to all those involved in providing better healthcare worldwide.
It's about Patient Care by C. Martin Harris; Gene LazutaA proven working model of healthcare IT as a transformative clinical and business engine from one of the world's leading healthcare organizations Exciting new technology is revolutionizing healthcare in the twenty-first century. This industry-changing guide by Cleveland Clinic's esteemed chief information officer shows health professionals how to design, implement, and maximize their IT systems to deliver fully integrated, coordinated, high-quality care. The book offers value-based strategies that health systems can apply using online tools and IT systems to improve collaboration among patients, caregivers, and care teams--including sophisticated electronic medical record-keeping and -sharing, real-time access to clinical data and research, machine-guided therapeutics, online second opinions, virtual visits, even social media. This is the future of quality healthcare--the Cleveland Clinic way.
Nursing Informatics for the Advanced Practice Nurse by Susan McBride; Mari TietzeDesigned specifically for graduate-level nursing informatics courses, this text focuses on using technology with an interprofessional team to improvepatient care and safety. It delivers an expansive and innovative approach to devising practical methods of optimizing technology to foster quality ofpatient care and support population health initiatives. Based on the requirements of the DNP Essential IV Core Competency for Informatics and aligning withfederal policy health initiatives, including the Affordable Care Act, the book describes models of information technology the authors have successfullyused in health information technology (HIT) to reinforce core competencies needed in multiple practice settings. Data management and analytics areemphasized in the text, supporting clinical improvement as well as business aspects of the health care system. The authors espouse a hybrid approach toteaching with a merged competency and concept-based curriculum. With an emphasis on the benefits of an interprofessional team, the book describes the most effective approaches to health care delivery using healthinformation technology. It describes a nursing informatics model that is comprised of three core domains: point-of-care technology, data management andanalytics, and patient safety and quality. The final section of the text explores new and emerging technologies, including genomics, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, data mining, expanded use of electronic measurements, and innovations in patient engagement in social media. Case studies andcritical thinking exercises support the concept-based curriculum and facilitate out-of-the-box thinking. Supplemental materials for instructors includePowerPoint slides and a test bank. While targeted primarily for the nursing arena, the text is also of value in medicine, health information management, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. KEY FEATURES: Addresses the DNP Essential IV Core Competency for Informatics Focuses specifically on using nursing informatics expertise to improve population health, quality, and safety Advocates an interprofessional team approach to optimizing health IT in all practice settings Stimulates critical thinking skills that can be applied to all aspects of IT health care delivery Discusses the newest approaches to interprofessional education for IT health care delivery Includes PowerPoint slides, a comprehensive test bank, and an instructor' s manual to help faculty with this challenging content, as well as a student study guide
Publication Date: 2015-10-01
Transdisciplinary Public Health by Debra Haire-Joshu (Editor); Timothy D. McBride (Editor)"This book makes a great leap in the conceptualization oftransdisciplinary approaches, as well as provides concrete examplesin practice, teaching, policy, and research." --From the Foreword by Edward F. Lawlor, dean and theWilliam E. Gordon Distinguished Professor, the Brown School; andfounding director, Institute for Public Health at WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis The complexity of public health and social problems is becomingmore challenging. Understanding and designing solutions for theseproblems requires perspectives from multiple disciplines and fieldsas well as cross-disciplinary research and practice teams.Transdisciplinary Public Health fills a void in theliterature and offers a comprehensive text that introducestransdisciplinary methods as a means for providing an innovativetool set for problem-solving in public health research andpractice. With contributions from leading experts, TransdisciplinaryPublic Health offers an understanding of interactions among thebiological, behavioral, social, and public health sciences; shareddisciplinary frameworks in analyzing health problems; and theintegration and evaluation of transdisciplinary solutions toalleviate complex public health issues. Use of this importantresource will promote transdisciplinary research and practice,resulting in novel solutions that positively impact humanhealth.