View the YouTube video clips below to begin understanding and getting started with the wiki tool for Part I of this assignment.
As you prepare to expand your wiki, view the following clip for the Wiki features for this assignment:
Be aware: BBLearn tracks the dates and times as you add, update and modify your Wiki page content that it tracks the dates and times. This assignment will entail modification to your Wiki page over time.
You will be creating a professional wiki on an informatics topic. Your wiki topic focus may be Healthcare Cybersecurity, mHealth, Nursing Informatics as Specialty, the National Blue Button Campaign, and Improving Patient Satisfaction Scores by Using Data. It is not limited to these, but other topics must be approved by faculty.
Begin by creating an individual Wiki page along with a topic focus title for it under the course Tools menu. Select the “Wikis” link and then click on the Wiki Assignment to create your page and be sure to submit it. Then you are ready to start editing your page (see below).
Below is an outline of the requirements and rubric. The Wiki Rubric is also found within the Wiki Assignment tool that reflects these requirements and scoring. It is embedded with the assignment feature. To access it, click on the “View Rubric” button to view and it may also be printed.
Any information after the assignment submission date will not be considered in the scoring.
Wiki page construction (10%) |
Content that consists of more than a few sentences that is developed over at least 3 weeks of the course. Your wiki page creation does not count in the construction. |
Content (20%) |
Digital formats (15%) |
Incorporates the following for digital formats for topic focus: a) 2 images, b) 2 web links and an embedded video file (see resource link found with assignment page), and c) another file format such as MS Office file types. Each of the item requirements must load properly for credit. |
Scholarly Wiki Resources (10%) |
Incorporates 2 wiki resources that supports the use of them. Provides 4 – 5 sentences summarizing each source that includes the benefit of the use of wikis. Look for a current literature about wikis in professional practice and/or nursing education. You may also consider a professional wiki related to your topic focus. Note: Please make try to avoid duplication of another’s Wiki page. These will also need to be included in your references, but not included towards required number. |
APA (10%) |
Incorporates at least 5 current references to support your content in complete APA format – citations and references. Note: The references for your Scholarly Wiki Resources are not included in this count. |
Wiki organization (10%) |
Wiki page peer comments (10%) |
Adds constructive comments (feedback) to at least 3 peer wiki pages Things to consider for comments:
***Be sure to review your peers' feedback to incorporate into your final revision process |
Wiki Reflection (15%) |
Levels of Achievement |
Criteria |
Novice |
Marginal |
Competent |
Additional |
Wiki Construction |
0 Points Content is all added in the last week per assignment due date. Note: This does not include wiki page creation. |
5 Points Content is add only during 2 weeks of course. This does not include wiki page creation. |
10 Points Content is added over at least 3 weeks of the course |
0 Points |
Content |
0 Points No content develop |
10 Points 1) Limited use of headings 2) 2 developed paragraphs and/ or 3) Lacking the nursing significance to the topic focus. |
15 Points 1) Use of headings 2) 3 well developed paragraphs explaining the topic focus. 3) A paragraph on the impact on nursing. |
20 Points 1) Use of Headings 2) 4 or more well developed paragraphs that is supported by literature. 3) A paragraph on the impact on nursing in with an additional developed paragraph along with support from the literature. |
Digital Formats |
5 Points Only includes 1 of the following topic focus resources: a) an image, b) a web link, another file format |
10 Points Only includes only some of the following topic resources a) an image, b) appropriate web links c) another file formats. |
15 Points Includes the following topic resources: a) 2 images, b) 2 appropriate web links and an embedded video file, and c) another file format (not an image or web format). |
0 Points |
Scholarly Wiki Resources |
0 Points Nothing included or inappropriate |
5 Points Incorporate a 1 wiki resource that supports the use of them and include a brief summary of it. Includes in references. |
10 Points Incorporates 2 wiki resources that supports the use of them. Provides 4 – 5 sentences summarizing each source that includes the benefit of the use of wikis. Includes in references. |
0 Points |
0 Points No citations & references |
5 Points Incorporates 3 scholarly references for content incomplete APA format - citations and references. Note: The references for your Scholarly Wiki Resources are not included in this count. |
10 Points Incorporates 5 or more scholarly references for content in complete APA format -- citations and references. Note: The references for your Scholarly Wiki Resources are not included in this count. |
0 Points |
Wiki Organization |
2.5 Points Only meets 1 of the following are met: a) the wiki page is organized or easy to follow; b) Use of level headings to assist the reader with the flow of content; c) Links are functioning; and d) Wiki presentation (colors and font types and sizes) is appealing to the eye. |
5 Points Only meets 2-3 of the following: a) The wiki page information is logically organized and easy to follow; b)Use of level headings to assist the reader with the flow of content; c) the links (files and web) within the page are introduced and functioning, and d)Wiki presentation (colors and font types and sizes) is appealing to the eye |
10 Points a) The wiki page information is logically organized and easy to follow; b)Use level headings to assist the reader with the flow of content; c) the links (files and web) within the page are introduced and functioning; and d) Wiki presentation (colors and font types and sizes) is appealing to the eye. |
0 Points |
Wiki Page Peer Comments |
0 Points No comments included to peers per course schedule. No credit after due date. |
3.5 Points Constructive comments to only 1 of your peer's wiki page per course schedule. No credit after due date. |
7 Points Constructive comments to 2 peer’s wiki pages per course schedule along with responding back to a few comments on your page. No credit after due date. |
10 Points Constructive comments to 3 peer’s wiki pages per course schedule along with responding back to a few comments on your page. No credit after due date. |
Wiki Reflection |
0 Points No reflection |
10 Points Reflection does not meet one of the following: 1) Responding to: What benefits and lessons have you learned using the Wiki? How do you envision a wiki be utilized in your future nursing practice? 2) Paragraphs lacking in development and/or with spelling and grammar check. Note: It does not count toward the digital formats or text within your page. |
15 Points Reflects on: What benefits and lessons have you learned using the Wiki? How do you envision a wiki be utilized in your future nursing practice? 2) Provides 2 well developed paragraphs with spelling and grammar check. Note: It does not count toward the digital formats or text within your page. |
0 Points |
Students will be assigned by the instructor to a group and problem focus for their Quality Improvement (QI) Project assignment. Your group and project focus are found under the course Tools menu button – in the Groups. In the Group Properties, there is a Description included to begin framing the project. The group includes discussion board and wiki features to use to facilitate and organized the project throughout each part. You will also be submitting each part of the project through the group feature. It is highly recommended that the group sets up a project Part 1 outline with assigned member tasks and time frames and repeating this for Parts 2 and 3. Each member is responsible for proofing, APA, and feedback --- this is not solely on one individual. You will need to be checking in with your group at least a few times each week. Timely communication and respect for each other are professional expectations.
Before starting to write your paper, it is imperative that you complete the required readings and watch the videos associated with this assignment. In addition, it is also be helpful if you go to Week #3 under “Course Content” and view the two items related to QI. The aforementioned items are below in this document.
To get started on writing Part 1 of your paper, your group will want to look at whatever is being done in your clinical experiences related to your topic, for example, medication reconciliation. Does your group think that medication reconciliation for nurses and/or patients is optimal? Based on the incidence of gaps in medication reconciliation we could all safely say that there is room for improvement. What about it at the hospitals that you have been at in clinical or worked at could it be improve? That is where your QI project comes in. Improving medication reconciliation (or your topic) in your hypothetical hospital X.
What your group is to do is take into consideration your experiences related to your group topic from facilities that you have worked or had clinicals in and create a hypothetical hospital that may include these same current processes. You will then develop policy, procedures and/or processes that will improve your topic outcomes in a measurable way. In other words, first you must describe what the current protocol/standard practice is at your hypothetical hospital (based on what you have seen in your practice), then outline how you will go about evaluating it so that you can improve it.
Part 1 will need to be minimum of 5 pages with a maximum of 7 pages (this does not include title page and references). Content should be comprehensive and accurate. Major points need to be stated clearly, supported by specific details, examples or analysis, and organized logically. The document writing should reflect critical thinking, interpretation and analysis of the problem.
Pages 1 - 9 of this document, from HRSA, can help with P1. 1 of your project: Health Resources and Services Administration
The following video will help you envision a performance improvement project:
Requirements |
Exceptional |
Proficient |
Marginal |
Unacceptable |
Non Performance |
Score Awarded |
Introduction to the Problem (15) |
(14 - 15 points) The paper thoroughly identifies the project problem along with strong support from the literature. OR Literature for support is limited. |
(13 - 13.75 points) The paper clearly identifies the project problem along with some support from the literature. |
(11.5 - 12.5 points) The paper fairly identifies the project problem along with minimal support from the literature.
(8.5 - 11.25 points) The paper poorly identifies the project problem with limited or no literature support |
(0 points) The paper does not include this section. |
Stakeholders (14)
*Note: Critically consider who does your project affect. |
(13 - 14 points) All of the appropriate internal and external stakeholders are clearly identified along with literature for support. OR Literature for support is limited. |
(11.5 - 12.75 points) Majority of the appropriate internal and external stakeholders are clearly identified along with literature for support. OR Literature for support is limited. |
(10.5 - 11 points) Lacking some appropriate internal and/or external stakeholders with minimal support of the literature. |
(8 - 10 points) The paper is missing significant internal and external stakeholder and/or no support of the literature. |
(0 points) The paper does not include this section. |
Project Charter (25)
*Note: The project team needs to reflect an appropriate team from your Hospital X setting. |
(25 points) The paper thoroughly identifies what the group wishes to accomplish. Provides a statement that summarizes the purpose, project team*, project goal, benefits, and potential risks. Provides an initial outline for the project. critical thinking, interpretation, and what data may be needed for the project. Paper uses support with appropriate sources. |
(22 -24 points) The paper clearly identifies what the group wishes to accomplish. Provides a statement that summarizes the purpose, project team*, project goal, benefits, and potential risks. Provides an initial outline for the project. interpretation, and what data may be needed for the project. Supports with some appropriate sources. |
(19 - 21 points) The paper fairly identifies what the group reviewed to support the paper wishes to accomplish. Provides a statement that summarizes the purpose, project team*, project goal, benefits, and potential risks. Provides an initial outline for the project. Paper uses critical thinking, interpretation, and what data may be needed for the project. Supports with minimal appropriate sources. |
(12 -18 points) The paper poorly addresses all the components and does not use literature to support or inappropriate sources. OR The paper is missing some of the parts as outlined in the assignment (see Exemplar box).
(0 points) The paper does not include this section. |
Current State (20)
*Note you are creating your own description of the problem at your Hospital X for this section. It needs to be realistic.
(18.5 - 20 points) The paper thoroughly describes what is currently happening and describes in your Hospital X*.
(16.5 - 18 points) The paper clearly describes what is currently happening and describes in your Hospital X*. |
(15 - 16 points) The paper fairly describes what is currently happening and describes in your Hospital X*. |
(11 – 14.5 points) The paper poorly describes what is currently happening and describes in your Hospital X*. |
(0 points) The paper does not include this section. |
Sources (15) |
(14 - 15 points) The paper uses more than 6 current and scholarly sources with APA citations and reference per APA format. OR The citations and references have a few APA formatting issues. |
(12.5 – 13.5 points) The paper uses 6 current and scholarly sources with APA citation and reference. AND/OR The citations and references have a few APA formatting issues. |
(11 - 12 points) The paper uses 5 current and scholarly sources with APA citation and reference. AND/OR The citations and references have some APA formatting issues. |
(8.5 – 10.5 points) The paper uses 3-4 current and scholarly sources with APA citation and reference. AND/OR The citations and references have many APA formatting issues. |
(0 - 8 points) The paper uses 2 or no current and scholarly sources with APA citation and reference. AND/OR The citations and references not per APA format. |
APA Format (8) |
(8 points) Title page (including tile page header), margins, page headers, page numbers, level headings, paragraphs indents, spacing, use of acronyms and et al are all formatted per APA |
(6 – 7 points) Lacking or incorrect 1 or 2 element(s) from Exemplar box. |
(4-5 points) Lacking or incorrect 3 or 4 elements from Exemplar box. |
(2-3 points) Lacking or incorrect 5 or 6 elements from Exemplar box. |
(0-1 points) Lacking or incorrect 7 or all elements from Exemplar box. |
Sentence Structure & Grammar (3) |
(3 points) Sentences are clear, complete, and concise. Grammar, punctuation and spelling are correct. |
(2.5 - 2.9 points) Sentences are overall fairly clear, complete, and concise with minor errors. Minor grammar, punctuation or spelling is noted. |
(2 – 2.4 points) Sentences are somewhat clear, complete, and concise with many errors. Minor grammar, punctuation and spelling issues are noted. |
(1 - 1.9 point) Sentences demonstrate issues with clarity, completeness, or structure. Grammar, punctuation and spelling issues are noted. |
(0 points) Numerous issues with sentence structure. Numerous grammar, punctuation and spelling issues are noted. |
Score Total |
Part 2 will need to be minimum of 6 pages with a maximum of 9 pages (this does not include title page and references). Note: All elements of the assignment are covered. Content should be comprehensive and accurate. Major points are: stated clearly, supported by specific details, examples or analysis, and organized logically. The document writing should reflect critical thinking, interpretation and analysis.
Getting Started Read: (Read pages 10 -15)
Submission: Submit the paper through your group assignment submission feature for Part 2.
Requirements |
Exceptional |
Proficient |
Marginal |
Unacceptable |
Non-performance |
Score Awarded |
What can be Better? (15)
(14 - 15 points) A preferred state is identified and supported with literature. Gaps are identified between the current and the preferred state. Several improvements are clearly identified. Literature is used to |
(12.5 – 13.5 points) A preferred state is identified with literature support. Some gaps are noted in the current and preferred state. A few improvements are identified. Sections lack detail. AND/OR Some literature is used to |
(11- 12 points) A preferred state is identified with literature support. Some gaps are noted in the current and preferred state. Improvements lacking clarity. Sections possess a minimal attempt and are basic. AND/OR Minimal literature is used to
(8.5 – 10.5 points) One of the sections are not addressed, being preferred state, gap analysis, or improvements OR no literature is used for these sections. |
0 The paper does not include this section. |
Potential Changes that can be Made (15) |
(14 - 15 points) Several solutions are identified with literature support. One final solution is identified.
(12.5 – 13.5 points) Several solutions are identified with literature support. Several solutions are addressed.
(11- 12 points) Several solutions are identified with literature support. All the solutions are addressed. |
(8.5 – 10.5 points) Several solutions are identified without literature support OR there is a lack of focus on solutions OR only one solution is noted. |
0 The paper does not include this section. |
Design the Approach to Implement Change (20)
(18.5- 20 points) A detailed discussion with a change model and how it will be implemented, including monitoring of it. Change process uses a model to guide the project. |
(16.5 - 18 points) A clear discussion with a change model of how the change will be implemented and monitored. Change process uses a model for guiding the project. |
(15 - 16 points) A change process is present, is systematic, but is not focused using a change model. |
(11 - 14.5 points) Change process plan is unclear or lacks a systematic approach. No model is used to guide the project. |
0 The paper does not include this section. |
Diagram of Change (9)
*This is to be an appendix and is not included in the page count. |
9 Creates a meaningful diagram/picture of the change for the stakeholders |
8 Creates a fairly meaningful diagram/picture of the change for the stakeholders |
7 Creates a diagram/picture of the change for the stakeholders that has minimal meaning for the change |
6 Creates a diagram/picture of the change for the stakeholders that does not hold much meaning to the change |
0 The paper does not include this section. |
Sources (Citations and References) (15)
*Note: This section builds on the addition of sources from Part 1. |
(14 - 15 points) The sources expand with the addition of more than 6 current and scholarly sources with APA citations and reference per APA format. OR The citations and references have a few APA formatting issues. |
(12.5 – 13.5 points) The sources expand with the addition of 6 current and scholarly sources with APA citation and reference. AND/OR The citations and references have a few APA formatting issues.
(11- 12 points) The sources expand with the addition of 5 current and scholarly sources with APA citation and reference. AND/OR The citations and references have some APA formatting issues. |
(8.5 – 10.5 points) The sources expand with the addition of 3-4 current and scholarly sources with APA citation and reference. AND/OR The citations and references have many APA formatting issues. |
(0-8 points) The sources expand with the addition of 2 or no current and scholarly sources with APA citation and reference. AND/OR The citations and references not per APA format. |
APA Format (8) |
(8 points) Title page (including tile page header), margins, page headers, page numbers, level headings, paragraphs indents, spacing, use of acronyms and et al are all formatted per APA |
(6 – 7 points) Lacking or incorrect 1 or 2 element(s) from Exemplar box. |
(4-5 points) Lacking or incorrect 3 or 4 elements from Exemplar box. |
(2-3 points) Lacking or incorrect 5 or 6 elements from Exemplar box. |
(0-1 points) Lacking or incorrect 7 or all elements from Exemplar box. |
Sentence Structure & Grammar (3) |
(3 points) Sentences are clear, complete, and concise. Grammar, punctuation and spelling are correct. |
(2.5 - 2.9 points) Sentences are overall fairly clear, complete, and concise with minor errors. Minor grammar, punctuation or spelling is noted. |
(2 – 2.4 points) Sentences are somewhat clear, complete, and concise with many errors. Minor grammar, punctuation and spelling issues are noted. |
(1 - 1.9 point) Sentences demonstrate issues with clarity, completeness, or structure. Grammar, punctuation and spelling issues are noted. |
(0 points) Numerous issues with sentence structure. Numerous grammar, punctuation and spelling issues are noted. |
Part 1 Revisions (15) |
(14 - 15 points) Feedback/ revisions recommended by the instructor are addressed to the instructor’s satisfaction |
(12.5 – 13.5 points) Most of the feedback/revisions recommended by the instructor are addressed to the instructor’s satisfaction |
(11 – 12 points) Some of the feedback/revisions recommended by the instructor are addressed to the instructor’s satisfaction |
(8.5 – 10.5 points) A minimal attempt was made to address the feedback/revisions recommended by the instructor. |
(0 points) No feedback/revisions were addressed. |
Score Total |
Part 3 will need to be minimum of 5 pages with a maximum of 7 pages (this does not include title page and references). Note: All elements of the assignment are covered and each question is thoroughly answered. Content should be comprehensive and accurate. Major points are: stated clearly, supported by specific details, examples or analysis, and organized logically. The document writing should reflect critical thinking, interpretation and analysis.
Getting Started Read: (Read page 16)
View: There is a Secret to Sustaining Improvements
Read: How to Creatively Celebrate Your Team’s Wins
Submission: Submit the paper through your group assignment submission feature for Part 3.
Part 3: QI Project Rubric
Requirements |
Exceptional |
Proficient |
Marginal |
Unacceptable |
Non-performance |
Score |
Project Outcome (20) * For the outcome (results) you will need to be a little creative and use mock data here. Recommendations from the pilot and why? |
(18.5- 20 points) Results are presented use strong literature to support. Recommendations for modifications are provided with strong literature support. |
(16.5- 18 points) Results are presented use of good literature to support. Recommendations for modifications are provided with good literature support. |
(15- 16 points) Results are presented with use of basic literature to support. Recommendations for modifications are provided with basic literature support. |
(11- 14.5 points) Results and/or recommendations are presented without literature support OR results are missing OR recommendations are missing. |
0 The paper does not include this section. |
Outcome (Results) Data Graphic (10)
*Note: If it is a large graphic, it is needs to be an appendix and is not included in the page count. |
9.5 – 10 points
Creates a meaningful data graphic of the results. |
8.5 – 9 points
Creates a fairly meaningful data graphic of the results. |
7.5 -8 points
Creates a data graphic of the results that has minimal meaning.
6 – 7 points
Creates a data graphic of the results that does not hold much meaning. |
The paper does not include this section. |
Project Next Step(s) (15) *Use the following focus questions: What are the next steps? Is there potential for standardization and expansion? If so, where? |
(14 - 15 points) Answers all the questions presented with strong literature support. |
(12.5- 13.5 points) Answers all the questions presented with good literature support. |
(11- 12 points) Answers all the questions presented with basic literature support. |
(8.5 - 10.5 points) Missing question AND/OR poorly developed response OR lacks literature support |
0 The paper does not include this section. |
Project Conclusion (15) *Use the following focus questions: What did you learn from the project? How did you group work? What went well what you would do differently next time? Why? If you were to actually implement the project, how would you realistically celebrate at the end of it? |
(14 - 15 points) Section thoroughly answers all the focus questions* presented and uses strong literature support. |
(12.5 – 13.5 points) Section clearly answers all the focus questions* presented and uses good literature support. |
(11- 12 points) Section answers all the focus questions* presented and uses little to no literature support. |
(8.5 – 10.5 points) Section poorly answers OR does not address all focus questions*. |
0 The paper does not include this section. |
Sources (Citations and References) (10)
*This section builds on the addition of sources from Parts 1 and 2. |
(9.5 - 10 points) The sources expand with the addition of more than 3* current and scholarly sources with APA citations and reference per APA format. OR The citations and references have a few APA formatting issues. |
(8.5 – 9 points) The sources expand with the addition of 3* current and scholarly sources with APA citation and reference. AND/OR The citations and references have a few APA formatting issues.
(7.5- 8 points) The sources expand with the addition of 2* current and scholarly sources with APA citation and reference. AND/OR The citations and references have some APA formatting issues. |
(6 – 7 points) The sources expand with the addition of 1* current and scholarly sources with APA citation and reference. AND/OR The citations and references have many APA formatting issues. |
(0 points) No additional* current and scholarly sources with APA citation and reference. AND/OR The citations and references not per APA format. |
APA Format (7) |
(7 points) Title page (including tile page header), margins, page headers, page numbers, level headings, paragraphs indents, spacing, use of acronyms and et al are all formatted per APA |
(6.5) Lacking or incorrect 1 or 2 element(s) from Exemplar box. |
(5.5 points) Lacking or incorrect 3 or 4 elements from Exemplar box. |
(5 points) Lacking or incorrect 5 or 6 elements from Exemplar box. |
(0 points) Lacking or incorrect 7 or all elements from Exemplar box. |
Sentence Structure & Grammar (3) |
(3 points) Sentences are clear, complete, and concise. Grammar, punctuation and spelling are correct. |
(2.5 - 2.9 points) Sentences are overall fairly clear, complete, and concise with minor errors. Minor grammar, punctuation or spelling is noted. |
(2 – 2.4 points) Sentences are somewhat clear, complete, and concise with many errors. Minor grammar, punctuation and spelling issues are noted. |
(1 - 1.9 point) Sentences demonstrate issues with clarity, completeness, or structure. Grammar, punctuation and spelling issues are noted. |
(0 points) Numerous issues with sentence structure. Numerous grammar, punctuation and spelling issues are noted. |
Parts 1 and 2 Revisions (20) |
(18.5 - 20 points) Feedback/ revisions recommended by the instructor are addressed to the instructor’s satisfaction |
(16.5 – 18 points) Most of the feedback/revisions recommended by the instructor are addressed to the instructor’s satisfaction |
(15 – 16 points) Some of the feedback/revisions recommended by the instructor are addressed to the instructor’s satisfaction. |
(11 – 14.5 points) A minimal attempt was made to address the feedback/revisions recommended by the instructor. |
(0 points) No feedback/revisions were addressed. |
Score Total |