Code Descriptions
(11) Document number:
- The prefix US indicates that this is a U.S. patent.
(19) Document type
(21) Application number
(22) Date of application
- When the patent application was filed
(45) Date of patent
- Date the patent was granted (this patent took almost three years to process)
(51) International classification
(52) U.S. classification
(54) Title of the invention
(56) References:
- Publications cited as related prior art by the inventor and patent examiner.
(57) Abstract
- A brief, non-technical description of the invention.
(58) Field of search:
- Classifications consulted by the patent examiner during the prior art search.
(73) Assignee:
- Owner at the time the patent issued. The assignee can be a person, company or organization.
(75) Inventors
NOT SHOWN: Continuation of Classifications and References Cited, Applicant, Drawings, Background, Summary, Description of the Drawings, Detailed Description, Claims, Term Adjustment