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NUR 225: Fundamentals of Nursing Practice

Identify a Global Health Question

To form your question, first research a health topic in relation to a country outside of the United States.  Tip: pick a health topic and country that there is sufficient information, which you can search under "Find Articles" and "Find More: Specialized Information."   For example, your health topic could be one of these:

  • Chronic Disease (Cardiovascular, pulmonary)
  • Health Education/Promotion
  • Healthcare Access
  • Nutrition (Diabetes, stomach cancer)
  • Poverty
  • Communicable Diseases (HIV, TB, malaria, parasites)
  • Unintentional/Intentional Injuries

Identify What Information You Need

Decide what kind of information you need, based on your assignment instructions.  For example, you may need articles or statistics to answer different questions:

  • Who are at greatest risk within your population of a specific country for your health topic?
  • What is the prevalence of the global health topic within your population?
  • Provide specific examples of how global health topic is addressed within your population.
  • How does the global health topic impact the specific country?
  • Identify cultural implications and how the health topic is being addressed by other countries.