Use the print book as your authoritative source. Copies are at the Library Main Desk on Reserve. Book title: Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, c2010, 6th edition.
APA Formatting and Style Guide (Purdue University Online Writing Lab) - Offers examples for the general format of APA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the reference page. Use with discretion as they sometimes have errors in citing. Use the APA print manual as your authoritative source.
download citations from library databases, such as ERIC or Education Fulltext
organize them into folders based on project, topic, etc.
insert citations and bibliographies or reference lists into your final papers or reports
There are several options, and they can all be complicated, so schedule an appointment with a librarian if you would like to set up an appointment to see which citation manager is right for you.
There are now two versions of RefWorks. RefWorks (Legacy) is expected to retire by January 2018. First time users of RefWorks should choose RefWorks (New). For more information on the change see our Guide to RefWorks. RefWorks is a web-based citation manager that allows you to create a personal database by importing references from text files or library databases.