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CCC Find Scholarly Articles

How-to guide for CCC students searching for peer reviewed and scholarly or academic sources in CCC library databases.

Where to Search for Scholarly Articles

Coconino Community College's best resource for scholarly or peer-reviewed articles is JSTOR. The link above will take you to the search page. 

JSTOR Search Tips

When using JSTOR, keep in mind you can filter your results after typing in your search terms and launching a search from the homepage. For instance, if you're looking for scholarly articles, those typically appear in journals, so you can check that limiter in the box on the left. 

screen shot of JSTOR content type limiter







JSTOR contains journal articles that may be too old for your purposes, so it's good to make use of the date range tool. The subject limiter will restrict your search to a specific subject--Psychology, African American Studies, etc--so make use of that if you see search results that are far from what you were looking for.

JSTOR limiting by date and subjectJSTOR makes it easy to download any articles you need. You can also generate a full citation in the format of your choosing. Users can register for a JSTOR account in order to save articles right to the platform.

Scroll down for more search ideas!


Gale Databases

Tips for Searching Gale Academic Onefile

There are many Gale resources that contain scholarly or peer-reviewed articles. I find that searching all of them at once, as you'd do with the search box on the homepage, yields a lot of random results. Better in this case to be precise. Academic Onefile is the best bang for your buck: it contains mostly scholarly articles, so you aren't sifting through a bunch of magazine articles or books. 

Gale search results screen, highlighting 1) Academic Journals llimiter, 2) Peer Reviewed designation next to titles, 3) limiters to narrow search, and 4) Get Link button to save the URL for your search.

In the screen shot above, notice 1) the result type links at the top: this search has defaulted to Academic Journals (69). Not all academic journals are peer-reviewed, so the tool puts that designation next to each result title in the list (#2). The limiting tools on the right (#3) will restrict the search even further by date of publication, subject, etc. Notice the toggle box for Peer-reviewed journals. If your assignment specifies that you can only use peer reviewed sources, check this box.

If you are finding what you're looking for here, try a broader search in Gale Research Complete, or one of the options below. And you can always ask your librarian