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NAU Celebrates Black History Month

Films, Media and Speeches

Databases: Videos

Black Studies in Videos 
Find acclaimed documentaries, archival footage, and interviews chronicling the evolution of black culture in the United States.

Filmakers Library Online 
Specializes in streaming videos of award-winning documentaries on subjects across the curriculum. Especially strong in the social sciences, history, and current events.

Films on Demand 
Films on Demand is a database that provides access to over 20,000 streaming videos appropriate for academic research. Videos can be watched in their entirety, or as individual segments, on your computer.

Kanopy Video Streaming  
Primary documentaries for specific NAU classes, these streaming video titles are available to all NAU affiliates. If you have trouble accessing these videos, please refer to this document.

This collection assembles hundreds of documentary films and series from the history of the Public Broadcasting Service into one online interface. PBS shows are also available in Kanopy and Films on Demand

Swank Top 1000 Videos 
Find the top 1000 feature films and documentaries for use in a curricular setting.
Notes: Most desktop/laptop computers require Chrome or Firefox to view films. Mobile devices require Swank Media Player app.
Other than classroom viewing on campus by enrolled NAU students, public performance of these films is not permitted.

The March of Time 
Watch newsreels from the 1935-1967 film series The March of Time, a program that addressed controversial topics of the period. Searchable transcripts run alongside each video.

World History in Video
Find streaming video that gives users access to critically acclaimed documentaries from filmmakers worldwide. This collection includes documentaries on human history from the earliest civilizations to the fall of the Berlin Wall.


Search the Catalog for Online Media Sources

Scroll down the list linked above to access library media
Will need an NAU account to access the streaming media.