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This guide provides insight and support for citation management in Zotero.

Organizing your work in Zotero

 Groups  A picture of the group image in Zotero

NOTE: Files in Zotero are organized by: Groups A picture of the group image in Zotero → Collections A picture of the collections icon in Zotero → ItemsA picture of the item icon in Zotero

  • These are basically libraries, where multiple collections of items can be stored. 
  • Groups should be used for different projects and / or research teams.
  • Groups can be shared among members of a research team. See the Further help page for more info.
To create a group:
  • Select the New Group icon A picture of the group image in Zotero in Zotero;
  • If you are working in Zotero Desktop, you will be redirected to the website and prompted to login;
    • NOTE: this happens because groups are designed to be shared;
  • Choose a name for your new Group, and select the Group Type
    • Public, Open Membership: Anyone can view your group online and join the group instantly.
    • Public, Closed Membership: Anyone can view your group online, but members must apply or be invited.
    • Private Membership: Only members can view your group online and must be invited to join.
  • Select your preferred settings, and click Save Settings;
  • Your new group will now show up under Group Libraries.

See the following webpage for more help organizing Groups in Zotero:

Collections A picture of the group image in Zotero

NOTE: Files in Zotero are organized by: GroupsA picture of the group image in Zotero → Collections A picture of the collections icon in Zotero → ItemsA picture of the item icon in Zotero

  • Collections are like subfolders, and are useful for storing items that are related in some way.
  • To create a new collection, simply click the New Collection icon A picture of the collections icon in Zotero in Zotero Desktop, and name the new collection!
  • Collections can be dragged and dropped into libraries by clicking and holding the collection, then moving it to a new location.
  • By right-clicking on a collection, you can create:
    • Subcollections;
    • Rename the collection;
    • Generate a bibliography containing all items in the collection;
    • Compile a report of all items in the collection;
    • Delete the collection.

See the following webpage for more help organizing collections in Zotero:

 Items A picture of the item icon in Zotero

NOTE: Files in Zotero are organized by: Groups A picture of the group image in Zotero → Collections A picture of the collections icon in Zotero → ItemsA picture of the item icon in Zotero

  • Items are the names for all files and citations stored in Zotero.
  • Clicking on an item will cause Zotero to display the item's full metadata.
  • Selecting the Duplicate Items button in Zotero will display all duplicates across a Group.
  • Selecting the Unfiled Items button will display all items not currently in a collection.
  • Right-clicking on an item will allow you to:
    • Search for the item online;
    • Edit or delete the item;
    • Add a note or attachment to the item;
    • Generate a bibliography or report.

See the following webpage for more help organizing items in Zotero: