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Does the library have your textbook?

We have hundreds of textbooks in our book collection and on course reserve. Follow the directions below to check if we have yours!

  • Change the drop down to books and search for the title of the book. 
    • If it says "Full Text Available @NAU," it is an ebook and you can read it on any device.
    • If it says "Available at Cline Library" with a set of letters and numbers (called the Call Number), it is a physical book and you can go to the shelf and get it, or use the request option and we will get it for you. :
    • IIf it says "Available at Cline Library Ask Us Desk" it is on Course Reserve and you can borrow it for a short period of time, normally 2 hours or overnight. 
  • The library (and your professors) also place textbooks on Course Reserve in the library. Use the Course Reserves dropdown and enter your Course Number or the Professor’s Name to see if your textbook might be on reserve.

Bought your book but it hasn't arrived?

Use our Document Delivery Service to request chapters that you need while you wait for your book to arrive. Scans of chapters are emailed to you, normally in 1-2 days. Note: We don't recommend that you request your whole book through Document Delivery as it can take a long time to receive your book and borrowing times can be very short.

The first time you use Document Delivery might be a little bit complicated, so we made a guide to help you out. 

More ways to save on your textbooks

  • Ask your instructor if you can use an older edition of a book. Often very little has changed between editions and the previous edition is significantly less expensive. 
  • Rent instead of buy. NAU's bookstore as well as other places offer textbook rental. If it is a book that may be used for more than one class (ask you instructor) it may be cheaper to buy than to rent. 
  • NAU offers a Course Materials Assistance Program to help students with limited financial means. 
  • Use a tool such as DealOz to compare prices across a number of different platforms
  • Check out your public library. Most public libraries have a large number of e-books to borrow. 
    • All NAU students can receive a library card from the Flagstaff Public Library
    • Check your home town's public library. 
    • Use the Internet Archive's that has millions of books to borrow online