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CS 460 Computer Networks: Infographic Tools

Guide for creating Infographics and Data Visualizations

Data Clean Up

Chart Generators

All of these require submitting data to an online service. If your data is sensitive, you may be able to just upload your summary statistics.

Plotly allows users to import their dataset directly to the program and generate a wide variety of visualizations. Most are available, but some require a pro account. Free users must still have an account and save the image publicly before it can be exported. The intended purpose is interactive, D3 and WebGL charts, but static charts can be created as well. Can be used for free as long as the visualization AND DATA is made publicly accessible.

Google Fusion Tables Fusion Tables is an experimental data visualization web application to gather, visualize, and share larger data tables

Datawrapper is easy-to-use and creates nice charts and maps for embedding in websites. Created for journalists Must give email address to get embed code. No download. Many different chart types.

RAWGraphs is an open source tool built on D3.js that lets anybody easily create a chart  using a drag-and-drop system to identify axes and other chart elements. Many chart options. Allows download or embed.

Chartbuilder does not have any advanced features, but is quick and mosly easy. It can only make line, column, or dot charts and you must paste in just the data you want in the chart. Allows export as .png, .svg, or .json

Tableau Tableau Public is a free service that lets anyone publish interactive data visualizations to the web.

Online Infographics

Freeware (may require you to create an account):

Other Tools available in vdesk ( ):

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe In design NAU Information Technology Services’ Learning and Professional Development Team has recently Image result for lynda logopurchased a campus license to for all students, faculty, and staff. The NAU community now has free access to this online subscription library that teaches the latest software tools and skills through high-quality instructional videos taught by recognized industry experts.


The Adobe Creative Cloud is a suite of applications used for editing and creating graphics design, video, and web development projects. Getting Started by checking out these tutorials on some of Adobe's most popular applications:


Finding and Using Images

These websites list many sources of free public domain and creative commons images.

It's important to verify copyright status and allowed uses for each source you select.

Whether images come from the Internet, a database, or other resource, it's your responsibility to determine when, where and how they may be legally and ethically used.

Check out the resources on the Purdue Owl site for details on using and choosing visual materials in your work and how to cite an image using  Chicago style.


A citation in Chicago typically looks like this:

     Artist's name.  Title or description (image).  Available from: Website or database.  <URL>.  (Accessed on date).