A database of dissertations and theses from around the world, including links to full text for dissertations written since 1997 and some fulltext coverage for older works. If you're unable to access the full text of a document, please refer to the instructions to log in to ProQuest.
Database of research information produced/collected by the U.S. Department of Energy relevant to environmental science, fuels, power generation, renewable energy, etc.
Database of the US government’s open data. Provides federal, state and local data, tools, and resources to conduct research, build apps, design data visualizations, and more.
Real-time earthquake lists, earthquake catalogs, seismic data (including reflection and refraction profiles), geodetic data, hazard assessments, and more.
Database of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency activities and data relevant to wastes, pollution, toxins, etc. that affect air, water, and land in the U.S. Maps can be generated from the data.
Provides a selection of national environment statistics, complemented by key economic and social indicators (compiled by the United Nations -- see UNdata for more United Nations statistics).
A global directory/catalog of research data repositories covering all academic disciplines. Search by topic or keyword to find a database relevant to your project.
Provides a single point of entry for all United Nations statistical databases -- find stats on demographics, health, environmental indicators, economics, education, and more.
Search for geoscience maps, reports, and stratigraphic information from a variety of publishers; covers early 1800s to present day. Includes multiple search options such as their mapView interface and their Geolex (U.S. Geologic Names Lexicon) interface.
Search for aerial imagery, AVHRR, commercial imagery, digital elevation, Landsat, LiDAR, MODIS, Radar and more earth science data from the USGS and NASA. You'll need to register for a free account in order to download data. See this quick guide to get started.
Access "Natural Color" images of Earth collected by Landsat satellites since 1972. Downloaded images are georeferenced and compatible with most GIS and Web mapping applications.
The British Geological Survey's National Archive of Geologic Photographs. Images are free to download for all non-commercial uses if you acknowledge BGS when using the images.
EPA publications about watersheds and descriptions of applicable laws. For watershed management guidance, tools, and datasets, check out the Watershed Central sub-site.
An authoritative source for information on more than 70,000 plants, animals, and ecosystems of the United States and Canada. Explorer includes particularly in-depth coverage for rare and endangered species.
The Forest History Society (FHS) promotes the study of the history of human interaction with the environment. This site provides access to the library and archival collections.
Database of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency activities and data relevant to wastes, pollution, toxics, etc. that affect air, water, and land anywhere in the United States. Maps can be generated from the data.
Created by the United States Geological Survey, this resource provides scientific information needed to develop policies to mitigate environmental deterioration from contaminants.