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Murray, Martin, Brown, Krix, Phillips
[from the text] In response to an increasing risk of property loss from wildfires at the urban–wildland interface, there has been growing interest around the world in the plant characteristics of urban gardens that can be manipulated to minimize the chances of property damage or…
Year: 2018
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES
Topic(s): Fire Prevention, Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI)
Region(s): International
Keywords: Australia, firebreak, fire resistant plants

Johnston, Wheatley, Wooster, Paugam, Davies, DeBoer
Understanding wildfire rate of spread (RoS) is often a key objective of many fire behavior modelling and measurement exercises. Using instrumented moderate scale laboratory burns we provide an assessment of eight different methods of flame front RoS determination, including…
Year: 2018
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES
Topic(s): Fire Behavior, Models, Monitoring and Inventory
Region(s): International
Keywords: ROS - rate of spread, fire intensity, thermocouples, infrared imaging, methodology, visible imaging, Canada, Pinus palustris, longleaf pine

In the webinar, Faith Ann will: briefly describe major changes from version 5 to version 6; show sample Runs demonstrating these changes; provide suggestions for calculating surface fire behavior using BehavePlus v6; describe how changes in BehavePlus affect NWCG courses that…
Year: 2018
Type: Media
Source: FRAMES
Topic(s): Fire Behavior, Models
Region(s): California, Great Basin, Northern Rockies, Northwest, Rocky Mountain, Southwest
Keywords: SWFSC - Southwest Fire Science Consortium, wildfires, software, BehavePlus, FRAMES - Fire Research and Management Exchange System

Barančíková, Jarzykiewicz, Gömöryová, Tobiašová, Litavec
Purpose: Windthrows and fires are major natural disturbances in forest ecosystems, which can affect organic matter in the surface and the mineral layer of forest soil. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the changes occurring in the structure and properties of humic acid…
Year: 2018
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES
Topic(s): Fire Effects
Region(s): International
Keywords: Slovakia, humic acids, spectroscopy, Tatra National Park, wildfires, windthrow, SOM - soil organic matter

All of us are interested in ticks, whether we want to be or not! We are all trying to avoid getting bit by the ones that carry potentially debilitating diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control, seven of the 14 states with the highest cases of Lyme disease are in…
Year: 2018
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES
Topic(s): Fire Ecology, Fire Effects, Prescribed Fire
Region(s): Eastern
Keywords: Pennsylvania, deer tick, Lyme disease, Ixodes scapularis

The United States is currently amid a public health crisis caused by the bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, that is responsible for Lyme disease. A deer tick, Ixodes scapularis, is the primary vector for these bacteria in the Eastern United States and its explosive population…
Year: 2017
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES
Topic(s): Fire Ecology, Fire Effects, Prescribed Fire
Region(s): Eastern
Keywords: Lyme disease, deer tick, Ixodes scapularis, Pennsylvania

Moore, Ziel, Saperstein
Organized by the AWFCG Fire Modeling & Analysis Committee (FMAC), this webinar is meant to help listeners get ready for the upcoming fire season in Alaska. Speakers and topics included: Chris Moore on 2017 Fire Modeling Case Studies (AKA "Have you considered elevation in…
Year: 2018
Type: Media
Source: FRAMES
Topic(s): Fire Behavior, Fuels, Hazard and Risk, Models
Region(s): Alaska
Keywords: model calibration, FSPro - Fire Spread Probability, fire spread, AFSC - Alaska Fire Science Consortium, fuel moisture, Nelson's dead fuel moisture model, elevation, duff moisture, BUI - CFFDRS Buildup Index, FFMC - CFFDRS Fine Fuel Moisture Code, fire growth, NTFB - Near-term Fire Behavior, STFB - Short-term Fire Behavior Module, WFDSS - Wildland Fire Decision Support System, LANDFIRE

Low, Klein, Medlock
Landscape Conservation Forecasting (LCF) is a management decision-making support tool that has been successfully used by public agencies in numerous landscapes across the United States, including the Cherokee National Forest and the Great Basin National Park. Benefits of using…
Year: 2017
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES
Topic(s): Fire Ecology, Fire Effects, Fire History, Models, Planning, Prescribed Fire, Restoration and Rehabilitation
Region(s): Southern
Keywords: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, LANDFIRE, fire exclusion, fire suppression effects, forest management, fire management, biodiversity, vegetation

Wildland fire is a natural part of forest ecosystems in the Great Lakes region. In wilderness areas like Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) of the Superior National Forest, managers use prescribed fire to mimic this natural process. Prescribed fire is also used as a…
Year: 2017
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES
Topic(s): Aquatic, Fire Effects, Prescribed Fire
Region(s): Eastern
Keywords: LSFSC - Lake States Fire Science Consortium, Hg - mercury, fish, watershed, soil organic layer, water chemistry

Caretti, Miesel
Fire is an important part of jack pine (Pinus banksiana) life history. Under natural conditions, stand-replacing fire drives jack pine forest regeneration, but low intensity prescribed burning in harvested stands may also help promote natural regeneration. Jack pine barrens…
Year: 2016
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES
Topic(s): Fire Ecology, Fire Effects, Prescribed Fire, Restoration and Rehabilitation
Region(s): Eastern
Keywords: LSFSC - Lake States Fire Science Consortium, jack pine, Pinus banksiana, Michigan, arthropod