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HS 317: Maternal, Child, and Sexual Health

Library guide for HS 317: Maternal, Child, and Sexual Health

Start with either CINAHL Complete or PubMed.  Access to both databases is below. 

TIP:  If you are looking for a single article that includes information (statistics or data) about a specific public health topic, try limiting your search to review articles.

CINAHL Complete



Scroll down to the bottom of this search page and look for Publication Type.  Then scroll through that list and select "review".  Next type your keywords in at the top of the screen.  You can also limit by date. 



If you search in PubMed, start your search with two to three keywords then click search.  On the following page, to the left of your search results, you will see a way to limit your results by Article Type.  In this category, select review.