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EPS 640 Biological Bases of Behavior

Evaluating Resources

 Evaluating Resources

 1) What is a credible source, and what is it not? Credible means the information is from an authoritative source.
 a) A credible source is …

  • peer-reviewed journal article.
  • A website of a governmental organization (U.S. Food and Drug Administration,  The Office of Animal Health and Food Safety, etc.)
  • A website of a relief organization that might collect its own data (USAID,  UNICEF, MSF, etc. 

            b) What a credible source is NOT…

  • A newspaper or magazine article (Newspaper and magazine articles are NOT peers in the discipline and they are not journals.)
  • Content posted in a .com (...usually – there are some exceptions.)
    An editorial, commentary, book review, or abbreviated article in a journal.  (Not all articles in a peer reviewed journal are peer-reviewed)
  • Ulrich’s Serial Analysis System: identifying journals that contain peer-reviewed literature.
  • A blog (Content is based on opinions.)
  • Content from Wikipedia (any person can post to Wikipedia)


2) Websites (These are video clips)

 Evaluating Websites

 Why can’t I just Google?  


             3) Using Internet Sources: Evaluating Information: Applying The CRAAP Test (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose)