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MBA Orientation

Getting Started

Start all of your research at the Cline Library website. Doing this will allow you to have seamless access to our materials whether you're accessing materials on the Flagstaff campus, at home, or at an extended campus.

Access your library accounts

Access both of these accounts by using the "My Accounts" tab at the top of the library website.

  • Your library account allows you to see physical materials you have checked out from Cline Library. It also allows you to log in when searching Quick Search for both physical and electronic materials to save searches and citations.
  • Your Document Delivery account allows you see articles and physical materials that you've requested to get from another library.
    • Fun stuff: if you live outside of Flagstaff, we will mail you physical materials from Cline Library!

What is Quick Search?

Quick Search is Cline Library's discovery tool. It combines the "library catalog" and many of our online databases into one search. Quick Search is a good starting point for your research. If you are doing more advanced research in a specific discipline, you may want  to use a specific database

Included are:

  • Books (physical and ebooks)
  • Journals (print and ejournals)
  • Articles 
  • Images
  • Media items such as streaming videos, CDs, DVDs
  • Course Reserves

Note: Using the "Expand Results" feature will add items not available from Cline Library. NAU and CCC students, faculty and staff can use Document Delivery to obtain these items.

Find out more about how to use Quick Search.

Search Tools


Marketing and Industry Reports

Books and Physical Materials

Cline Library's physical collection can be found using Quick Search

Most of our electronic collections (e-books) are displayed in Quick Search, but our eBook databases are listed below to search directly.

eBook Databases: 




Finding Visual Media at NAU:

NAU hosts a number of streaming media sites as well as image collections. 

In addition to searching each database individually, NAU affiliates can also locate streaming movies (and music) from Quick Search.

Video Streaming: