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About Covidence

What is Covidence?

Covidence stands for "Collaboration + Evidence"; it is an online platform supporting team collaboration on evidence synthesis projects like systematic and scoping reviews. Designed by researchers familiar with the systematic review process to make conducting reviews more efficient. It streamlines the production of systematic reviews by:

NAU's institutional Covidence license was provided, in part, by SHERC. Using the license obligates you to acknowledge SHERC in publications.

Joining NAU's Covidence license

New Users

Visit the NAU Covidence sign-up page and enter your name and email on the sign in page. You will then receive an email inviting you to Covidence. Follow the link in the email and click on "Create an Account." 

Please note: this email is to confirm your institutional affiliation, it is not confirmation of your account. You do not have an account until you complete the "Create an Account" process.

Existing Users

If you already have an account with Covidence, you will need to link your account with our institutional access in order to create unlimited free reviews, there is no need to create a new account. Simply add your NAU email address to your existing account (go to 'Manage Profile' to do this) and make this your primary email address. You can then request an invitation to join the new organizational subscription via your librarian. 

Starting a Review

After clicking the link “Create new review” you will have the option to use your personal account license or select the NAU account.  After you create a review in Covidence, you can invite others to join your project. 

Screenshot of the Covidence asking which account to use personal or institutional with the personal account on top

Reviews created under the institutional license will be visible to the Covidence administrators at Cline Library. Your personal account review(s) will only be seen by you.

Is Covidence the right fit for my project?

Covidence streamlines collaboration for researchers working on teams of at least 3 or more individuals. If you are unsure what type of review you would like to start we suggest looking at a review methodology decision tree or using the Right Review guidance tool.

If you are still undecided Covidence has a Demo Review that allows you to get familiar with Covidence before creating a review. To find the Demo Review, login to Covidence and navigate to the bottom of the Your Reviews page.

Citing SHERC in publications

Covidence was funded in part through a grant, and as such, using the NAU institutional license requires acknowledgement in publications. Please use the following language:

This research was supported in part by an NIMHD center grant to the Southwest Health Equity Research Collaborative at Northern Arizona University (U54MD012388).