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Honors 190

Why would you contact a librarian?

Welcome Honors students.  I am here to support you in your research needs.

On this page you will find the link for the Information Literacy Tutorial which is required for all HON 190 students. This tutorial will help you to identify good, strong sources for your research papers and projects. 

Never spend more than 30 minutes stressing over your research topic. If you are not finding anything, please contact me directly.


Neil Gaiman's thoughts on a library


A tour of Cline Library

Take a tour of Cline Library and see what resources and spaces we have. 

How to start research

Not sure how to start your research?  To learn various ways to search the NAU Cline Library catalog, visit our How To page here.

When writing papers, citations are very important.  This is our page to help you find citation help.  Most classes require a specific citation style, but for this assignment you can use the one your field of study uses.  Our help page will provide several valuable resources including Purdue Owl, a super helpful and user friendly citation site.  You will find this helpful through your college career.

Honors Librarian