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NAU Human Library

The Human Library exists to promote dialogue and inclusion towards persons who have experienced prejudice due to how they identify. This guide explains how NAU's Human Library assists in that mission and how faculty and students can participate.

Scroll Through This Year's Books!

Depressed: Hiding in Plain Sight at Work

Secret | Queer | Freak

Surviving vs. Thriving

Junk Man's Daughter: Growing up With a Mentally Ill and Addicted Parent

Cyborg: A True Story of Disability and Body Autonomy

Military Veteran with PTSD

A Child Survivor of Intimate Partner Homicide

Boundaries are a B*itch

Transgender, Homeless, Tired

Outmanned in Formation: the Early Years of the Integrated Army

2nd Class Girl - Growing up Poor: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly - how I lived and Stuggled to be Accepted

Hiding Who I Am
