1. Go to Cline Library's website.
2. If you are searching for a specific book, enter the title into the Quick Search box. Or, if you want to find books on a topic, enter keywords for your topic in the Quick Search box.

3. After conducting your search, use the limiters on the left-hand side to select Books located under Material Type. You may need to select Show More to see Books.

4. Books in print format will have a location and call number at the bottom of the record, like you see below. If you are not sure how to use the book's call number to find it on the shelves of the library, then get help from the Ask Us Desk located to your right as you enter the library.
5. Books in electronic format will have a link to FullText@NAU at the bottom of the record, like you see below. Just click the link to access the e-book.