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HS 390W: Current Health Issues

Use this guide to access resources for research in Health Sciences. Contact a librarian for advanced research assistance.

Why think about contrasting viewpoints?

Examination of different viewpoints promotes an enhanced perspective and comprehension of the subject or issue of concern. Presenting contrasting viewpoints can result in a moderation of attitudes or a depolarization of a very contentious issue.
Discussion of contrasting viewpoints in Public Health doesn’t end after graduation. Your critical thinking skills are necessary for interacting with medical professionals, patients, and supervisors who may have contrasting viewpoints. You will have to be able to review information to determine what is relevant to the professional situation.

What contrasting viewpoints is and is not

What it is not:

  • A pro/con essay
  • One side is right and one side is wrong
  • A summary of information available

What it is:

  • A look at each viewpoint on a topic
  • An analysis of an evidence based decision on an issue