¹Votes for Women, DVD, directed by Kay Weaver and Martha Wheelock
(Studio City, CA: Ishtar, 1996).
²Gone with the Wind (1939), DVD, directed by Victor Fleming (Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video, 2005).
Gone with the Wind (1939). DVD. Directed by Victor Fleming. Burbank, CA: Warner
Home Video, 2005.
Video Clip From the Web
Ladies on Bicycles. Hepworth and Co., 1899; 36 sec.; 35 mm. From BFI National
Archive on You Tube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1iaF4Np2PU
(accessed September 30, 2009).
Votes for Women. DVD. Directed by Kay Weaver and Martha Wheelock. Studio
City, CA: Ishtar, 1996.