You can find the Books tab on the Library's homepage.
In the top search box, enter one or more keywords that describe your topic. Hint: It is best to keep your search simple to find books since books are written at a fairly general level. Use only your most important topic words and not a full sentence or question. If you are not finding any results on your topic, try different keywords, or Ask Us!.
Need a book, article or video that Cline Library doesn't have access to? Try Document Delivery!
Cline Library's Document Delivery Service, also known as our Request Materials service, means our library will obtain materials like articles and books from other libraries and provide them to you at no cost to you!.
When you find a print book of interest, note three things in the record:
Also look at the subject headings assigned to the book; you might find it useful to click on these headings to find similar books on your topic.
Need help understanding call numbers?
Here's some help from the University of Alaska. Something special to note about call numbers is that they are arranged in such a way that books on similar topics will be found near each other on the shelf. So when you find your book, browse around the shelf nearby to see if you find anything else of interest.