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Quick Search

Search Tips

  • Do not type complete sentences or questions. Instead, type keywords or phrases, e.g., dog training.
  • Start with only a few terms. You can always add more later.
  • Be flexible - if you don't like your results, retry your search with different words.
  • You can use Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT in both your Simple searches and in Advanced Search. If you are using Booleans within your search terms, be sure to capitalize them.
    • Example:  strawberry OR chocolate
  • You can use nesting techniques (using parentheses to group like terms or concepts together) in both Simple and Advanced Search.  
    • Example: (energy OR effort) AND student success
  • Truncation and wildcards:  Use ? for single characters, and * for multiple characters.  
    • Examples: wom?n will find woman, women, womyn, while woman* will find woman, woman's, womancentric, womanist, womanly, and so on.



Book Searches

To search for a book:

  1. Go to Cline Library's home page.
  2. If you are searching for a specific book, enter the title into the Quick Search box. If you want books on a topic, enter the topic into the Quick Search box.
  3. Using the limiters on the left-hand side, select Books located under Material Type. You may need to select Show More to see books.
  4. If you are looking for a specific book, and you don't see it, use the box on the left to Expand My Results. If you find your book, you'll probably need to click Request it to obtain it through Cline Library's Document Delivery Service. It usually takes a week or two to arrive, sometimes longer.
  5. If you only want to see what is currently available in the library, click Available in Library under View Only

If Cline Library has the book, the call number is located at the bottom of the record.

Book record

Note that often the library has multiple editions of the same book, these will be grouped together under the heading Multiple Versions.

E-Book Searches

To search for e-books:

Quick Search Limits

Ebook record

  1. Go to Cline Library's home page.
  2. If you are searching for a specific e-book, enter the title into the Quick Search box. If you want e-books on a topic, enter the topic into the Quick Search box.
  3. Using the limiters on the left-hand side, select Books located under Material Type. You may need to select Show More to see books.
  4. Under Availability select  Full Text Online
  5. Select the link for Online Access located at the bottom of the record.

Article Searches

To find articles in Quick Search

  1. Enter your search terms in the the search box. Remember, don't enter questions or sentences, use keywords. 
    • Your initial list of results will contain a wide mix of material types including books, e-books, and articles from scholarly journals, magazines and newspapers. 
  2. You can quickly limit your results to peer-reviewed journal articles by selecting the Peer-Reviewed Journals link  under Availability.
  3. You can also choose to limit to other  types of information, such as newspapers or book reviews under Material Type.
  4. If you need to find articles within a specific time period you can do that under Date